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UZ RU EN +998 71 231-18-52 100194, Tashkent city, Yunusabad-3 district, Yangi Shahar str., 7А

With its highly qualified personnel, modern diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, necessary conditions for research, SRI of Virology MH RUz performs mandated to it tasks of preparing highly qualified specialists in all aspects of Virology and infectious diseases. Scientific staff is prepared through doctoral studies, basic doctoral studies and independent application. The Institute provides training in medical residency, seminar-trainings are conducted in the workplace for doctors and researchers of virology and infectious diseases with attraction of specialists. Specialists of the Institute conduct specialized medical assistance, master-classes in the regions.

    1. SRI of Virology provides educational activity on postgraduate programmes for doctoral studies, basic doctoral studies and independent application (training level of highly qualified personnel).

    Implementation of basic professional education programs of research training for doctoral studies, basic studies and independent application is performed on field of study 14.00.00 Medical sciences

    Course code:

    14.00.10 Infectious diseases

    14.00.30 Epidemiology

    03.00.04 Microbiology and Virology

    Forms of preparation. Preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff on doctoral program, program of basic doctoral study is performed in intramural form of study.

    1. Teaching in clinical internship « Infectious diseases ».


    1. Preparation of masters on the existing training program, conducted by the Chair of Microbiology, virology and Immunology TMA on the basis of Reference Laboratory of SRI of Virology.


    1. Training of specialist for quality control and laboratory diagnosis of viral infectious diseases.


Research Institute of Virology of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Epidemiology, Microbiology, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases announces admission to basic doctorate (PhD), doctorate (DSc) and independent research (PhD and DSc) from September 15 to October 15, 2022 in the following specialties:

14.00.10 - Infectious Diseases

03.00.04 - Microbiology and Virology


Note. Admission to basic doctorate (PhD), doctorate (DSc) and independent research (PhD and DSc) is carried out online in the Unified Electronic System of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan (registration on the website ( The list of documents is presented on the website


 Applicants for basic doctorate (PhD) take entrance exams in:

- according to the chosen specialty (microbiology and virology, infectious diseases)

- foreign language (learned at previous levels of education).


Applicants applying for basic doctorate (PhD), doctorate (DSc) and independent research (PhD and DSc) are interviewed in their specialty.


Acceptance of documents

Deadline for accepting documents: from September 15 to October 15, 2022.


Place of acceptance of documents:

100194, Tashkent city, Yunusabad, Yangi Shahar street,7A.

Phone / fax: (99871) 209-83-26

Reception time: Monday-Friday - 09.00-16.00.


- Clinical internship

Base of preparation of clinical residents includes the clinic, outpatient, and diagnostic-hepatologic Center, research units of the Institute. Clinical base (5 departments: children's infection diarrhea disease, HIV/AIDS-HIV-infected patients, Department of acute viral hepatitis, department of chronic viral hepatitis, department of chronic viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis), resuscitation department, intensive therapy department, laboratory, equipped with modern equipment, allowing to provide specialized medical assistance to patients.


The Institute, in accordance with the license to conduct educational activities, organizes reception on residency program on special field «Infectious diseases»

To programmes of residency, persons are allowed with higher medical education. Admission to the training is carried out within the allocated quotas.

Admission tests shall be carried out in the form of testing and oral questioning. The results of the admission test will be summarized and are documented in the Protocol.

Admission to training is performed on the application for admission, which is filed by the applicant. The documents, necessary for admission, shall be submitted to the Institute, to the Executive Secretary on the admission to the clinical internship.


List of required documents for admission to clinical internship

  1. Application to name of the Director
  2. Diploma with transcript
  3. Copy of passport
  4. Medical certificate

Acceptance of documents for residency training program begins on July 20 and ends on August 20


Place of documents acceptance:

100194, Tashkent city, Yunusabad Yangi Shahar Street,7А.

Phone/fax: (99871) 224-83-26

Acceptance time: from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 16.00.

The Research Institute of Virology has organized the following courses to improve the professional skills of doctors



Cycle name Time Duration Number of participants Location Note
1 Basics of the polymerase chain reaction January-December 72 hours 5-10 Institute of Virology By request
2 Современные подходы к лечению вирусных гепатитов January-December 36 hours 5-10 Institute of Virology By request
3 Эпидемиология и профилактика особо оасных инфекционных болезней January-December 36 hours 5-10 Institute of Virology By request
4 Основы иммуноферментного анализа January-December 36 hours 5-10 Institute of Virology By request


Teaching staff of the Research Institute of Virology of the Republican Specialized Center of Epidemiology, Microbiology, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

Infectious and Parasitic Diseases


Professors and teachers


Name of institution of higher education

Academic degree

Scientific title

Name of subjects taught

State unit


Kasimova Rano Ibrahimovna

Head of Viral hepatitis research department

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

Doctor of medical sciences


Infectious diseases

An hourly basis


Juraev Rivojiddin Khafuzullaevich

Head of the reference laboratory

Andijan State Medical Institute

Doctor of medical sciences



An hourly basis


Kan Natasha Georgievna


Tashkent State Medical Institute -2




An hourly basis


Suyarkulova Dildora


Tashkent State Medical Institute - 2




An hourly basis


Bayjanov Allabergan Kadyrovich

Head of the HIV research department

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Doctor of medical sciences

Senior researcher

Infectious diseases

An hourly basis


Abdukadirova Muazzam Alievna

Head of the Papillomavirus and other oncovirus research department

Tashkent State Medical Institute

Doctor of medical sciences

Senior researcher

Infectious diseases

An hourly basis


Mirkasimova Kholida Khafizovna

Head of laboratory

Tashkent State Medical Institute




An hourly basis


Boynazarov Mirzarakhim


Tashkent Medical Academy




An hourly basis


Gareev Ramil


Tashkent Medical Academy




An hourly basis


Joldasova Elizaveta Arustamovna


Tashkent State University




An hourly basis


Sharapov Saidkhan


Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute





On the base of the Institute there is Department of infectious diseases Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, which was organized in December 1939, on the recommendation of Professor N.I. Rogoza.

From the date of organization to 1951, the Chairman of department was by Professor A. Kacenovich and A. Segal. From 1951 to 1988, the department was headed by academician of the Academy of Sciences RUz, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, Professor Isak Kurbanovich Musabayev. In the period from 1988 to 2000 the departement was headed by the Doctor of medical sciences, Professor Dzhurabay Adylovich Adilov, from 2000 by now it is headed by MD, Professor Erkin Isakovich Musabayev. During their activities, the staff of the Department of Infectious Diseases studied the pathogenetic aspects of the disorders of various elements in many infectious diseases, which contributed to the correction of these disorders and allowed a more rapid recovery.

In the period 1975-1995, the Department was engaged in the scientific development of a course of viral hepatitis with a parenteral transmission mechanism in pregnant women. Since 1995, he has been dealing with chronic viral hepatitis B, C and Delta, treating and treating patients with HIV infection, and has been working on serious issues of meningitis.

Teaching and learning process. 12 cycles in all directions of infection pathology are conducted at the Chair. In connection with the deterioration of the epidemic situation of HIV infection, monthly cycle on HIV infection is organized, which has been held since 1995. It should be noted that for the last 2 years the Chair has been conducting "Hepatology" cycle for doctors specializing in infectious diseases doctors, physicians, surgeons, oncologists, ultrasound doctors, general practitioners, IDC. Doctors of this cycle receive information of instrumental Diagnostics of liver diseases (CT, MRI, ULTRASOUND, fibroscanning of liver, etc.) Over the last 5 years at the Chair more than 600 infectiologists have undergone advanced training.

Therapeutic process. Employees of the Chair of infectious diseases are directly involved in diagnostic and treatment work of the clinic of the Institute. Professorial-teaching staff of the Chair is scientific consultants of the clinic departments of SRI of Virology. Employees of the Department developed guidelines, used in the clinic work.

Foreign cooperation of the Chair. The Chair collaborates with the medical institutions of foreign countries (Institute of Virology named after D.I. Ivanovskiy of the Russian Academy of medical sciences, Flu Institute, CDC, United States) and with international organizations such as UNICEF, the Global Fund, USAID.


Calendar-thematic plan of advanced training courses of the Department of Infectious Diseases 2022

