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UZ RU EN +998 71 231-18-52 100194, Tashkent city, Yunusabad-3 district, Yangi Shahar str., 7А

Reference laboratory of Scientific Research Institute of Virology

20 Август 2019

The reference laboratory provides quality control systems for manufactured and imported test systems for diagnosing HIV / AIDS, viral hepatitis B and C, provides a system for internal quality control, and conducts an external assessment of the quality of laboratory tests in practical diagnostic laboratories. in different regions of the republic. He constantly provides practical diagnostic laboratories with internal standards.

  1. The structure and number of staff are listed in Appendix
  2. Operating procedure of the Reference Laboratory is based on the Charter and normative documents on organization of paid services in budget organizations, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and legislative instruments of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  3. Scope of works and services:

- External quality assessment (EQA) of diagnostic laboratories, dealing with diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis B and C.

- Preparation of standard serum reference banks and internal standards for quality control of infections diagnosis.

-  Evaluation of the quality of manufactured and imported diagnostic test- systems.

- Training Centre for laboratory specialists from all over the country.

. Annually, laboratory specialists are engaged in the programme of Virology course and programme of professional specialization of doctor-virologist.

- Providing the population with diagnostic services on Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on self-supporting basis for diagnosis of viral hepatitis, TORCH infections.

- Scientific -Research study.

  1. Cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), Institute of chemistry of plant substances, named after acad. Yunusov S.Yu. (Uzbekistan), FBIS CSRI of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor (Russia), International organization “Médecins sans Frontières”.



Juraev Rivojiddin Khafuzullaevich

From January 20, 2021

Director of the Referens laboratory of the Virology Research Institute of the Republican specialized epidemiology, microbiology, infectious and parasitic diseases scientific and practical medical center



1987-1993. - Student of Andijan State Medical Institute

1993-1994 - Internist at the Namangan Regional Hospital of Infectious Diseases

1994-1995 - Laboratory doctor of the Namangan Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital

1995-1998. - Graduate student of the Institute of epidemiology, microbiology and infectious diseases

1998-2001. - Doctor of the medical emergency brigade of Tashkent city

2001-2003 - Head of the laboratory of the Institute of epidemiology, microbiology and infectious diseases

2003-2007 - Doctor of "Referens" laboratory

2007-2009 - Head of the scientific project of the Virology Research Institute

2009-2010 - Senior Researcher of the Institute of Virology Research

2010-2012 - Doctor of "Referens" laboratory

2012-2017. - Doctor of the "Referens" laboratory of the Institute of Virology Research

2017-2020. - Chief physician of the hospital of infectious diseases of Namangan region

2020-2020. - Head of the laboratory of highly dangerous viral infections of the Virology Research Institute

2020-2021. - Head of the Reference Laboratory of the Virology Research Institute

2021 - present. - Head of the "Referens" Laboratory of the Virology Research Institute of the Republican specialized epidemiology, microbiology, infectious and parasitic diseases scientific and practical medical center


Annex 1



Organizational structure of Reference laboratory of SRI of Virology MH RUz


 Reference laboratory for nearly 20 years has been the main institution, responsible for quality control system of diagnostics of parenteral hepatitis and HIV. Activities on external assessment of laboratory diagnostics quality, assessing the quality of manufactured and imported test-systems, testing and introduction of new methods of diagnosis and training of laboratory specialists have significantly improved the situation with diagnostics quality of parenteral hepatitis and HIV infection in Uzbekistan.

First programs of external assessment of quality (EQA) in early 2000-ies allowed revealing the dramatic situation with diagnosis of parenteral hepatitis and HIV on-site. Periodically held EQA programs allowed identifying sources of problems and proposing their solutions. So, the first EQA program pointed out a significant problem in provision with equipment, subsequent program identified a number of problems with the provision and use of test systems, further program detected a significant role of the staff in providing quality of diagnostic services. Based on the results of these programs, measures were taken, aimed at equipping with new equipment, purchasing of new test systems and staff training. These activities enabled to raise the quality of diagnosis of HIV-infection from 60-70% to 100%, viral hepatitis -up to 95% or more. To date, the annual program of EQA includes more than 100 laboratories, including private laboratories too.

For provision of quality control of imported and domestic test systems, national reference panel was developed. Use of this pane in close cooperation with the Committee for the quality control of medicines and medical equipment has enabled to increase the quality of test systems in the country considerably and allows maintaining the quality at the proper level.

Thanks to the work of professionals of Reference Laboratory in the Republic of Uzbekistan, all possible methods of diagnostics of parenteral hepatitis and HIV infection are established and used. For example, in the mid-2000-ies, advanced at that time enzyme immunoassay method (EIA) became routine, the same thing happened with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at the beginning of the second decade. At the moment, use in practice of the genetic analysis method expands.

Special contribution of Reference Laboratory in well-being of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the fact that the laboratory is a training center for laboratory specialists from all over the country. Every year at the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education involves more than 100 specialists in the syllabus of Virology and the program of professional specialization, virologist physician, as well as a large number of professionals are trained on the basis of the individual curriculum. The laboratory can proudly declare that the specialists of virological laboratories of Uzbekistan have been trained in reference laboratories. Thus, an integrated approach to provision quality of laboratory diagnosis of parenteral hepatitis and HIV infection, practiced by Reference Laboratory, allows covering virtually all aspects of laboratory services and allows improving the quality of rendered services to the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan.




Address:          Tashkent city, Yunusabad, 3 block, Yangishahar str. , 7а 
Office hours: 
from 8.00 to 17.00.