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Clinical-biochemical laboratory of the clinic conducts clinical laboratory tests with a view to diagnosing of the disease, assessment of its morbidity, prognosis and effectiveness of applied therapy.Conducting biochemical studies is necessary for assessme

20 Август 2019

Laboratory of new and re-emerging viral infections deals with the study of pathogens and carriers of vector-borne viral infections. It studies the mechanism of natural nidality, features of epidemiology, epizootology of particularly dangerous arbovirus infections, their pathogens ecology, improvement of early Diagnostics methods, as well as preventive and anti-epidemic measures.   

         In 1989, the laboratory of arboviruses by the Order of the Ministry of the health of the Republic of Uzbekistan was included in SRI of Virology and renamed as the Laboratory of vector-borne viral infections (VVI). Since then, main attention was focused on problems of the ecology of arbovirus infections pathogens.

         Particular attention was given to the specific laboratory diagnosis of arbovirus infections. Laboratory staff mastered and used in their studies molecular-genetic method and EIA. Studies of isolation and identification of arboviruses, identification of natural foci of arboviruses and their biostructure, landscape confinedness of foci are continued.

Since 2007, the laboratory of transmissible viral infections has been renamed the laboratory of natural foci of especially dangerous viral infections (NFEDVI). Research has allowed the typing of natural foci identified in various landscape zones using the example of the NFR.

Since 2012 research of new and newly emerging viral infections with the likelihood of "fecality" in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been started. Positive results were obtained for such viral infections as WNV, Hantavirus infections, Karshi virus, Syr-Darya Valley fever, as well as a group of Rickettsial infections.

Taking into account that development of international tourism, accessibility of the international rest for wide layers of the population plays not the last role in the emergence and spread of new foci of infections, we must not forget about possibility of bringing infections on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan both by foreign tourists and citizens of our Republic.

         The laboratory carries out research on Dengue fever, Zika fever, Chikungunya fever that do not occur in our country, but cases of Dengue fever have been registered and confirmed by the laboratory.


Within the framework of Project Р-53 “Strengthening the national legal framework and conducting specialized training on biological protection and safety in Central Asian countries”, the Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology (Germany) provided a mobile laboratory to raise awareness and facilitate cooperation on biosafety, biosecurity, emergency response situations and incident management using a mobile laboratory.



Mirkasimova Holida Hafizovna

Head of Laboratory for New and Emerging Viral Infections  


1974-1980. - Student at Tashkent State Medical Institute

1980-1982. - Inter-researcher at the Department of Hygiene at Tashkent State Medical Institute.

1982-1983. - Researcher at the Tashkent State Medical Institute

1983-1986. - senior laboratory assistant at the Institute of virological diagnostics of hepatitis at the Research Institute of Virology

1986-2000 - Associate researcher at the laboratory for virological diagnostics of hepatitis at the Institute of Virology

1986-2000 - junior researcher of the laboratory "Diagnosis of Viral Hepatitis" of the Institute of Virology Research

2000-2007 - senior researcher of the laboratory "Diagnostics of Viral Hepatitis" of the Virological Research Institute

2016-2016. - Temporary head of the laboratory of especially dangerous viral infections of the Research Institute of Virology.

2016-2021 - Head of the Virology Department of the Laboratory of Extremely Dangerous Viral Infections of the Research Institute of Virology

- Present - Head of the Laboratory of Respiratory New and Recurrent Viral Infections of the Research Institute of Virology of the Republican Specialized Center for Epidemiology, Microbiology, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

2018-present - head of the outpatient diagnostic and hepatological center of the Research Institute of Virology